Friday, February 12, 2010

Water efficiency and your home!!!

We need to invest in efficiency because that is where the long-term results can be found. Efficiency means using water more wisely -- by fixing leaks, replacing old appliances and fixtures, and taking other common sense steps in our homes and our communities. For example, if one homeowner fixes a leaky toilet in her house, she can save between 30 to 500 gallons of water a day. And if Metro Atlanta scaled it up and fixed the leaks in all of its water pipes, the region could save between 30 and 60 million gallons a day.

Now, let's be clear: water efficiency does not mean telling people to shower just once a week, or to plant a cactus in their front yards.

Water efficiency does not mean turning the water off. It’s not about water use restrictions – because that just brings temporary results.

Click here to see the site where we pulled this great information from

Terry Laurin
“Helping you become Energy Efficient”

Thursday, February 4, 2010

TLC Smart Insulation Tips

Attic insulation

Either in cold or hot climates, the attic's insulation is critical. Install insulation to a level of at least R-40.
If you have a flat roof or a no-open attic space, consider some structural approaches to solve their deficits in terms of insulation.


Walls insulation (and floor insulation, in cold climates) isn't less important than attic insulation... A two to four inches of plastic foam insulation added to the outside of your walls can make a little miracle in your heating and cooling needs

Crawl spaces, basement and slab insulation

The insulation of basements, slabs and crawls is also crucial in cold climates.
Do not forget to also apply a ground-moisture or vapour barrier if that space is damp.

Vapour Barriers

If the insulation material is water absorbent (e.g. cellulose) and there isn't vapour barriers and the ventilation is insufficient, moisture and other negative consequences can be unstoppable.
You should use vapour barriers to keep moisture away from bulk insulation materials and to maintain their performance. Use non-combustible barriers to protect loose-fill insulation.

A proper Installation

Be aware with the quality of the installation.

- If the insulation doesn't fill small gaps, its efficiency will diminish drastically. Materials should be well fitted, and leaks sealed and avoided. Corners of walls, ceilings and floors should be properly insulated, and it shouldn't be allowed gaps around obstructions. Similarly, the holes, joins and ends of the insulation material should be well sealed or closed. Sprayed-on foams or loose-fill insulation are, in many situations, excellent solutions because they eliminate voids, and edge and other gaps.

- Do not compress bulk material insulation. They should be fixed with their normal thickness to perform well.

- In outside applications, foam insulation requires an adequate covering, to protect it from degradation (e.g. from the sun) and possible physical damages (e.g. caused by lawnmowers). Foam insulation should also be protected from fire and heat in outside applications (a drywall layer is a common protection).

Reflective insulation Cares

Reflective insulation is important in hot climates. But the quality of its installation is also very important.
- Maintain an air space of at least 0,8-1,2 inches (2 or 3 cm) next to the shiny surface of the reflective insulation.

- Dust settled on the surface of the reflective material will reduce its performance. To avoid it, keep the reflective surfaces downwards (or keep them vertical).
- In walls and under floors, when dealing with porous materials, use perforated reflective foil. It will prevent rotting, by allowing materials to dry.
Window and door Frames
Qualified windows is crucial to get high energy savings. Pay also attention to possible thermal breaks connected to windows and doors. They are responsible for important heat losses.

For all your insulation needs contact:

Terry Laurin
TLC Energy Solutions

Monday, February 1, 2010

No more renovation tax credits and HST on the horizon

Many people are up in arms trying to figure out how the HST will affect them across BC. From what I understand the majority of the public perceive this to be a negative and maybe I don’t fully understand it yet, but so do I.

When I started TLC Energy solutions (Okanagan based Insulation Company) 4 years ago, up until now it’s been an asset to not have to charge PST. Several home owners I have come across didn’t know PST was exempt from insulation and as a result they moved ahead faster knowing their project was going to cost 7% less than expected. Now with HST being introduced, my customers will have to pay 12% HST instead of 5% GST. This carries through every industry and product across BC including new!

The government claims it will be easier on business owners like myself because there will be HST rebates coming back to me. Didn’t they forget a step there when the customer buys from me because he can afford it in the first place. With more costs in my opinion comes less spending which then results in businesses sinking and fewer jobs to go around.

The most ironic part of this whole thing is that the Fed’s are giving the province in the area of 1.6 billion dollars to introduce the HST. Hmmmm where might they get 1.6 billion dollars...oh I know YOU and ME!

Another words we are paying the government to raise our taxes! Something tells me that 1.6 billion is more of an investment by the fed’s as they milk this cash cow.

If you or someone you know is considering upgrading their insulation, doing a home renovation or purchasing a new home, it might be wise to get it done before July 1st 2010.

Terry Laurin
TLC Energy Solutions